An instance of a weight-loss procedure is the sleeve gastrectomy surgery. Also known as bariatric surgery, weight-loss surgery. A vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG) is another name for this procedure. You lose weight after having gastric sleeve surgery because it limits your food intake. A 50–90 pound loss is possible.


There are benefits and potential drawbacks to each form of bariatric surgery. To choose the weight-reduction plan that is best for you, it is crucial to talk to your doctor about your alternatives.

Pros and Cons of Sleeve Gastrectomy

pros and cons of sleeve gastrectomy
pros and cons of sleeve gastrectomy

The Advantages of Sleeve Gastrectomy

  • Because the tiny stomach continues to operate properly, you can accept most meals in modest amounts.
  • If desired, can be changed to a Roux-En-Y gastric bypass.
  • Removes the top section of the stomach, which generates hormones that promote hunger (ghrelin), reducing your appetite.
  • Less acid secretion means a lower risk of ulcers.
  • Intestinal obstruction, protein and vitamin deficiency, anemia, and osteoporosis are less likely.

The Disadvantages of Sleeve Gastrectomy

  • The procedure is irreversible since a portion of the stomach is removed.
  • Without the intestinal bypass, weight reduction may be more difficult or less difficult.
  • The body continues to accept carbohydrate- and fat-rich meals, which might deter weight reduction.
  • No dumping syndrome (discomfort caused by consuming carbohydrate-rich meals).
  • Insurance companies may not pay for it since it is still considered an exploratory technique.

Do I need gastric sleeve surgery?

In case of obesity progression, gastric sleeve surgery is used. Particularly for those who have trouble reducing weight permanently, it is a recommended procedure. Your doctor could advise stomach reduction surgery if you have a body mass index of 40 or above and are extremely fat. In addition, if you have type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, or heart disease and your body mass index is between 35-40, he may advise you to have this surgery.


A sleeve gastrectomy can help people lose weight permanently. Your modified living choices will affect how much weight you lose. Over two years, you might shed up to 60% of your extra weight.

If you are thinking of fighting obesity for a healthier and longer life, our expert staff consisting of our best doctors for sleeve gastrectomy surgery is at your service. You can contact us at +90 (536) 934 6524 for any questions you may have.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is not a good candidate for the gastric sleeve?
Who is not a good candidate for the gastric sleeve?

Sleeve gastrectomy surgery is risky in some cases: being under the age of 16 or over the age of 75, having severe lung problems, and having alcohol and drug addiction.

How painful is gastric sleeve surgery?
How painful is gastric sleeve surgery?

When we look at the gastric sleeve surgery reviews, most people rate the pain between 5 and 10. You should know that everyone's pain threshold is different. If you have very severe pain, we recommend that you report this to your doctor.

Does gastric sleeve fail?
Does gastric sleeve fail?

The fact is that the patient's ability to follow specific dietary and lifestyle advice is what determines if weight reduction surgery is successful. Several factors may contribute to the fact that some patients fail or regain weight years after undergoing gastric sleeve surgery.

Does it hurt to poop after gastric sleeve surgery?
Does it hurt to poop after gastric sleeve surgery?

Sleeve gastrectomy surgery, especially gastric bypass surgery, will alter your bowel motions. Expect unusual odors, increased flatulence, and cramps on occasion.

Can the stomach grow again after gastric sleeve?
Can the stomach grow again after gastric sleeve?

A lot of patients are unsure as to whether the new, smaller stomach can expand to its previous size. It's a fair question that necessitates a more in-depth explanation of the anatomy of the abdomen. Yes, in a nutshell; the stomach is among the most adaptive organs.

How long does the gastric sleeve last?
How long does the gastric sleeve last?

A sleeve gastrectomy is a quick and straightforward treatment when compared to other types of weight reduction surgery. Between 60 and 90 minutes are needed. One to two days following the procedure, your surgeon might still want you to stay in the hospital.

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