The gastric balloon has grown in popularity as a non-surgical weight reduction solution. It offers individuals struggling with obesity or overweight a potential solution to jumpstart their journey towards a healthier lifestyle. Before considering this procedure, it’s essential to have a comprehensive understanding of what it entails, its benefits, and potential considerations.

What is a gastric balloon?

An intragastric balloon, commonly referred to as a gastric balloon, is used as a non-surgical weight reduction method. It involves inserting a deflated balloon into the stomach and then inflating it with a sterile solution (such as saline) to create a feeling of fullness and reduce hunger.

Does gastric balloon work for everyone?

Patients with a body mass index above 27 who are 18 to 55 years old and are unable to reduce weight despite dieting might consider this treatment. However, individuals with a serious stomach ulcer, those who have had their stomachs partially or completely removed, or those who have a major gastric hernia should not have gastric balloon surgery.

Types of Gastric Balloons

Elipse Balloon

A particular kind of gastric balloon that may be ingested with water is an ellipse gastric balloon. This cutting-edge gastric balloon has been compacted into a capsule that may be ingested. As a result, the placement does not require anesthetic or endoscopy.

The Elipse gastric balloon is simple to place, doesn’t need to be taken out, and is very unlikely to have any negative effects. The balloon’s contents are automatically drained and expelled from the body when it expires, after remaining in the stomach for 4 months. In 4 months, you might drop 15 to 20 kg.

Because of its numerous benefits, the ingestible gastric balloon, which may be implanted into persons aged 18 to 65 with a BMI of 27-40, is a popular choice.

Medsil Balloon

It is a gastric balloon that is implanted by endoscopy and stays in the stomach for 6 months. 6 months Endoscopic balloons are appropriate for patients with a BMI of 27-40.

It is feasible to drop 15-20 KG after the process. There are certain drawbacks, such as the need for endoscopy to insert and remove the gastric balloon, as well as the increased likelihood of nausea and cramping during the adjustment phase.

However, because a 6-Month Gastric Balloon is less expensive, it is generally favored by patients who have less weight to reduce.

Orbera Balloon

Orbera gastric balloon, which is inserted by endoscopy and removed by endoscopy and remains in the stomach for 12 months, is a good option for patients with slightly higher weight to lose.

Although it is used on individuals with BMIs above 27, it is best for people with BMIs above 30.

At the end of a year, the Orbera balloon can help you lose 20-30 kg.

Spatz Balloon

The SPATZ3 gastric balloon, unlike other balloons, has a volume-adjustable design. Other gastric balloons are inflated once and stay inflated till the end of their useful life.

An adjustable balloon is one whose volume may be adjusted to meet the demands of the patient. It lasts a year in the stomach. It is inserted by endoscopy, and the adjustment process and removal process is performed by endoscopy.

Spatz gastric balloons are a form of a gastric balloon that is favored by patients who have a BMI of 30 or above and need to reduce additional weight.

Gastric Sleeve vs. Gastric Balloon

Gastric sleeve and gastric balloon are two different weight loss procedures with their advantages and disadvantages.

By eliminating a significant piece of the stomach, often referred to as a vertical sleeve gastrectomy, a smaller, banana-shaped stomach that can store 20 to 25 percent less food than you ever consumed is created. This procedure is permanent and cannot be reversed, and is done laparoscopically, meaning only a few small incisions are made.

Contrarily, a deflated balloon is inserted into the stomach through the mouth during a gastric balloon procedure, which is then inflated with saline solution to make more room in the stomach and help the patient feel fuller more quickly. This procedure is temporary and can be removed after six months.

gastric balloon
gastric sleeve vs gastric balloon

While gastric sleeve surgery is generally considered to have a higher success rate in terms of weight loss, it is also a more invasive procedure that requires a longer recovery time and has a higher risk of complications. In contrast, the gastric balloon procedure is less invasive. And it has a lower risk of complications, but may not result in as much weight loss.

Finally, the decision between a sleeve gastrectomy and the gastric balloon will be based on the individual’s demands and goals, as well as their general health and medical history. Patients must consult with a skilled healthcare physician to identify the best course of action for their weight reduction journey.

Gastric Balloon Pros and Cons

The Advantages of Gastric Balloon

Balloons take up less room in the stomach. As a result, the capacity to hold food in the stomach reduces, resulting in weight loss. The average stomach volume is 1.5 liters, which occupies over half of this area and keeps around 60% of the stomach for food.

The stomach balloon’s ability to limit the stomach’s ability to absorb food and liquids makes it its most significant benefit. Because less food can be stored in the stomach than it could before surgery, after inserting a stomach balloon, the patient can follow long-term weight loss if they maintained a healthy diet and a regular exercise regimen.

Weight reduction caused by the installation of a balloon within the stomach can help to minimize several major illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, heart attack or stroke, high blood pressure, non-alcoholic fatty liver, arthritis and joint discomfort, and high cholesterol.

Other advantages of the gastric balloon;

  • A balloon can be introduced into the stomach via endoscopy without the need for surgery.
  • Does not require anesthetic, even though some people do.
  • A balloon may be inserted quickly and easily.
  • Since it is not a permanent procedure, the gastric balloon is removed after 6 months with the help of an endoscopy.

The Disadvantages of Gastric Balloon

  • The patient’s food will be restricted for the remainder of his life under this approach, which is one of its drawbacks. As a result, the patient will feel uncomfortable for 20 to 30 minutes after the stomach balloon has been inserted. And each time they do, they will experience symptoms including nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and weakness.
  • This procedure is not appropriate for everyone who is overweight. The patient should thus be evaluated to determine whether or not they are a good candidate for this operation.
  • If the patient overeats, he may experience stomach reflux, in which case doctors frequently recommend reflux-prevention medications to treat the condition.
  • The most common problem in patients is vomiting after eating during the first several weeks after inserting a balloon in the stomach.
  • In addition, when the balloon is inserted, there is a chance of stomach discomfort and difficulties sleeping.
  • Stomach difficulties, such as reflux while lying down, create sleep disruptions.


In conclusion, the gastric balloon procedure can be an effective weight loss solution for individuals who have struggled with obesity and have not seen results from traditional weight loss methods. However, it is important to understand that the procedure is not a quick fix and requires a commitment to lifestyle changes and a healthy diet.

It is also critical to select a skilled and experienced healthcare professional to carry out the treatment and monitor the patient’s development. Before undertaking the operation, any risks and adverse effects should be thoroughly evaluated. At this point, COH Clinic specialists can inform you in detail about the procedure in your weight loss process and help you decide on the process. You can speed up your process by contacting us at +90 (536) 934 6524.

Overall, with proper care and attention, the gastric balloon procedure can be a helpful tool in achieving long-term weight loss goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is gastric balloon safe?
Is gastric balloon safe?

Intragastric balloon weight reduction therapy is safe and successful, especially when carried out by a qualified surgeon. A smart approach to ensure a surgeon has the necessary training is to choose one who has received board certification.

Which is better gastric sleeve or balloon?
Which is better gastric sleeve or balloon?

The gastric sleeve is more likely than the gastric balloon to result in significant weight reduction. The gastric balloon is a good option for people who want to lose between 20 and 40 pounds, while the gastric sleeve is better if you want to reduce weight quickly.

Do you gain weight back after gastric balloon?
Do you gain weight back after gastric balloon?

Bariatric surgery is meant to assist you in permanently achieving your weight loss objectives. However, research has shown that some patients regain weight, often 2-10 years after the first operation. An estimated 50% of people who have surgery gain just approximately 5% of the weight they lost.

Do you still feel hungry with gastric balloon?
Do you still feel hungry with gastric balloon?

The goal of a gastric balloon is to partially fill your stomach with a soft silicone balloon, making you feel full. You should experience decreased hunger while also feeling satisfied more quickly after modest meals thanks to it.

Can you eat normal food with a gastric balloon?
Can you eat normal food with a gastric balloon?

For the first three days after your gastric balloon is installed, you will be on a liquid diet. You will then be transitioned to soft meals until day ten, when you will be able to consume standard textured foods again. A tight diet will help your body acclimate to the balloon, minimize dehydration, and maintain your energy levels.

What is the success rate of gastric balloon?
What is the success rate of gastric balloon?

According to experience, the first three months are responsible for 70-80% of total weight reduction. Following that, weight loss slows and the gastric balloon becomes more supportive in assisting you to maintain your weight as you continue to adjust to new eating and exercise habits.

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