Dentists and patients today have access to a wide range of materials for replacing teeth that have fractured or become rotten. If you’re looking for a filling that looks more natural, composite fillings are a great choice. If you’re curious about composite fillings and how they work to fill cavities, you’ve come to the right spot. Read on to discover more about a popular tooth-filling substance utilized at your dentist’s office.

What is a composite filling?

Dental composite fillings are merely standard dental fillings that have been tinted to resemble your natural tooth’s color. Other names for them include tooth-colored fillings, white fillings, and resin fillings.

composite fillings
What are composite fillings?

They treat fractures, fissures, and decay in damaged teeth, much like conventional fillings do. Your dentist will first remove the decayed region or the afflicted area of the tooth before replacing it with a composite filling.

How is composite filling done?

A local anesthetic will be applied to your gums, teeth, and surrounding region before the dentist begins. This will assist in preventing pain and discomfort throughout the treatment. Following that, any deterioration will be eliminated using a drill. Although it just takes a few minutes, you could experience some pressure when it is going on. The dentist will use a composite filling to fix the tooth. Your tooth’s filling will be customized to fit it.

Your tooth has a composite filling layered onto it. The layers will be built up gradually until the hole is filled. The dentist may use ultraviolet light to cure the filling in place. This causes each layer to harden quickly, enabling the insertion of the following layer into the tooth. It’s known as “photo-polymerization.” Your tooth’s function will be fully restored and the filling will appear natural.

After the filling has been put in, your mouth may likely feel numb for a few hours. Prior to the local anesthetic wearing off, it is advisable to wait before eating. You won’t unintentionally bite your tongue or cheek if you do it that way.

Is composite filling good for teeth?

  • They seem more aesthetically attractive since they closely resemble your natural teeth in terms of color and appearance.
  • Since they need less drilling, less tooth structure needs to be removed.
  • They solidify instantaneously, unlike other materials, which take days.
  • By adhering to the tooth, they reinforce it and lower the risk of fracture.
  • They can be repaired if they are broken.

What are the disadvantages of composite fillings?

Staining and Discoloration

Over time, composite fillings can become stained or discolored, especially if exposed to foods and beverages like coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco. This can affect the appearance of the filling and may require replacement to maintain a consistent tooth color.


While composite fillings are durable, they may not be as long-lasting as some other materials, such as amalgam (silver) fillings or gold fillings. Depending on the location and the amount of pressure the tooth receives, composite fillings may wear down or chip more easily over time.


Composite fillings tend to be more expensive than traditional amalgam fillings. The materials used in composite fillings are generally pricier, and the placement procedure may be more time-consuming, contributing to higher overall costs.

Technique Sensitivity

The placement of composite fillings requires a high level of skill and precision. The dentist must carefully layer and shape the composite material to ensure proper adhesion and a natural appearance. If not placed correctly, the filling may not last as long or may cause issues like sensitivity.


Some individuals may experience increased tooth sensitivity after getting a composite filling. This sensitivity could be temporary and might resolve on its own, but in some cases, it could persist and require further dental intervention.

Curing Time

Composite fillings are hardened using a special light (UV or LED) that activates the curing process. This can extend the time needed for the filling procedure, as each layer of composite material must be cured separately. This may be inconvenient for both the patient and the dentist.


Composite materials can shrink slightly as they cure, which could potentially lead to gaps or micro-leakage between the filling and the tooth structure. This might result in tooth sensitivity, recurrent decay, or other complications.

Not Suitable for Large Fillings

While composite fillings are suitable for small to moderate-sized cavities, they may not be the best option for larger cavities that require more structural support. In such cases, other materials like amalgam or inlays/onlays might be recommended.

Repair and Replacement

If a composite filling becomes damaged or needs replacement, the old filling must be removed completely before a new one can be placed. This removal process can sometimes result in the loss of additional tooth structure.

Composite Filling vs. Amalgam

Composite fillings, which are suitable for both front and back teeth, are made of resin and have a natural look. These fillings are less long-lasting than amalgam fillings and may need to be replaced in the future. Although amalgam fillings are robust, long-lasting, and inexpensive, they can discolor with time, affecting their look. They can also harm the structure of good teeth. While there have been worries regarding amalgam fillings’ bioaccumulation and mercury toxicity, they have been used efficiently and safely by dentists for many years.

Composite Filling vs. Ceramic Filling

This is the most crucial question to consider before making this selection. Composite resin is ideal for filling tiny voids. It is quite durable in these circumstances and will have no negative consequences. It is superior because it does not necessitate the removal of excess natural tooth material and may readily fit in narrow areas.

Larger cavities might pose challenges for composite fillings. They can take a long time to treat and may not cure properly. They can drastically weaken the tooth and cause pressure sensitivity. For bigger fillings, ceramic fillings give strength while repairing teeth.

Composite fillings are good if you have healthy, robust teeth. If you’ve ever had a broken or chipped tooth, consider ceramic fillings to help safeguard your teeth in the future.

Because they are so appealing, tooth-colored fillings are excellent. When new or well-maintained, both types of fillings may appear stunning. On the other hand, composite fillings are prone to discoloration. They may also lose gloss, giving them an appearance that is duller than tooth enamel. Ceramic fillers, on the other hand, resist stains and keep their shine well. As a result, they are an excellent alternative for highly noticeable fillings.

Get in touch with COH Clinic today

We are pleased that modern dentistry offers patients a variety of dental treatment alternatives. A composite filling may provide you with a lovely smile, among other benefits.

You may ask the skilled staff at COH Clinic any questions you have about composite resin fillings. Furthermore, we are accessible to satisfy all of your routine and emergency dental needs. Call us at +90 (536) 934 6524 right immediately, and we’ll help you schedule your next dental visit.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do composite fillings last?
How long do composite fillings last?

The longevity of a composite filling is generally between 5 and 7 years. The placement of the filling, dental hygiene, nutrition, and the existence of bruxism can all have a good or negative impact on its lifespan, making it not absolute.

Is composite filling permanent?
Is composite filling permanent?

Composite fillings are not permanent, like the majority of dental restorations, and may eventually need to be changed. They are highly strong and long-lasting, providing you with a stunning grin that will last for many years.

Can I drink coffee after composite filling?
Can I drink coffee after composite filling?

Following a filling procedure, you might wish to avoid drinking hot beverages like coffee or tea since your gums and teeth will still be numb. The effects of this procedure might take many hours to subside because a local anesthetic was injected into your gums.

What not to do after a composite filling?
What not to do after a composite filling?

An excessive amount of pressure on a composite filling might cause damage and necessitate an early replacement or repair. To avoid causing such harm, avoid chewing on ice or foreign things. Bruxism, or chronic teeth grinding, can harm dental work as well, so get help if you have this disease.

Are ceramic fillings better than composite?
Are ceramic fillings better than composite?

Compared to composite fillings, ceramic fillings are often constructed of porcelain and are less likely to discolor over time. Even though ceramic fillings are more expensive, they are a worthwhile investment since they are durable and frequently last for at least 15 years.

Can I eat after a composite filling?
Can I eat after a composite filling?

Following the surgery, you are free to eat or drink. Under UV light, a composite filler instantly becomes rigid. The anesthesia may have left your cheeks and gums a bit numb, so your dentist may advise waiting at least two hours before eating.

Are composite fillings worth it?
Are composite fillings worth it?

Because the resin composition adheres to tooth enamel so strongly, fillings are less prone to come away. They are sufficiently adaptable to even be utilized to repair minor faults, such as a little chip in a tooth. Temperature-related effects and the propensity of the substance to expand or shrink are absent.

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