Gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction surgery, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is performed to remove excess breast tissue in men who have gynecomastia. The surgery can also help to reduce the size of the areola, the dark skin surrounding the nipple if it has become enlarged.

Several techniques can be used for gynecomastia surgery, depending on the extent of the breast tissue enlargement and the patient’s individual needs. One common technique involves making small incisions around the nipple or in the underarm area to remove the excess tissue. Another technique involves using liposuction to remove excess fat.

Gynecomastia surgery is typically performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. Recovery time varies depending on the extent of the surgery. But most patients can return to work and normal activities within a week or two.

While gynecomastia surgery can be an effective treatment for reducing the size of male breasts, it is important to note that it is a surgical procedure and comes with potential risks and complications. It is important to discuss the risks and benefits of gynecomastia surgery with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon before deciding whether to undergo the procedure.

Who can get gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia surgery is a cosmetic procedure that is designed to reduce the size of breast tissue in males. It is typically recommended for men who have tried other treatments, such as diet and exercise, but it has not seen sufficient improvement in their condition. Generally, candidates for gynecomastia surgery include men who:

  • If you have been diagnosed with gynecomastia by a medical professional
  • People who are in good overall health and have no underlying medical conditions that may increase the risks of surgery.
  • Those who are at a stable weight and have realistic expectations for the results of the procedure.
  • Those who are not currently using medications that may be causing their gynecomastia.
  • Have fully developed breasts and are at least 18 years of age.
  • Those with breast tissue that is resistant to diet and exercise.

It is important to note that gynecomastia surgery is not typically covered by insurance unless it is deemed medically necessary due to the presence of a tumor or other serious medical condition. It is important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon to determine whether it is a suitable option for you.

What are the benefits of gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction surgery, is a surgical procedure that aims to reduce the size of male breasts. Here are some of the benefits of gynecomastia surgery:

  • Improved self-esteem and confidence: Gynecomastia can cause embarrassment and low self-esteem, especially in social situations. By reducing the size of male breasts, gynecomastia surgery can help improve a man’s confidence and self-esteem.
  • Better physical appearance: Gynecomastia surgery can help men achieve a more masculine and toned chest contour, which can enhance their physical appearance and help them feel more comfortable with their bodies.
  • Relief from physical discomfort: Gynecomastia can cause physical discomfort, such as pain, tenderness, and swelling in the breasts. Gynecomastia surgery can alleviate these symptoms and improve overall comfort.
  • Improved exercise performance: Men with gynecomastia may avoid physical activity or exercise due to self-consciousness about their appearance. Gynecomastia surgery can help men feel more comfortable participating in physical activity and may improve their exercise performance.
  • Permanent results: Gynecomastia surgery provides permanent results, as long as the patient maintains a healthy lifestyle and does not experience significant weight gain or hormonal changes.

How does the process of gynecomastia work?

Gynecomastia surgery is a procedure to reduce the size of male breasts. It is typically performed by a plastic surgeon under general anesthesia. During the surgery, excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin are removed from the chest through small incisions. The specific technique used will depend on the patient’s case and the surgeon’s approach. After the surgery, the patient will need to wear a compression garment to support the healing process and reduce swelling. They may also need to take pain medication and antibiotics to prevent infection.

Overall, gynecomastia surgery can be an effective way to improve the appearance of male breasts and boost a man’s self-confidence. It is important to choose a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon and carefully follow all pre-and post-operative instructions to ensure a safe and successful outcome.

How should people who have gynecomastia make preparations?

To prepare for gynecomastia surgery, you should find a qualified plastic surgeon who specializes in male breast reduction. Schedule a consultation with the surgeon to discuss your goals and medical history. Follow any pre-operative instructions given by the surgeon, which may include stopping certain medications and arranging for someone to drive you home after the surgery. Make sure to inform the surgeon of any allergies or medical conditions you have. Arrange for someone to assist you during the first few days of recovery, as you may experience discomfort and limited mobility. Wear comfortable clothing to the surgery, and make sure to have loose-fitting, comfortable clothes to wear during the recovery period.

What should be considered in the place of gynecomastia?

People who will have gynecomastia should have it done by sterile and reliable specialist doctors. Since it is a sensitive process, it is also very important that you feel safe. At this point, COH Clinic is ready to give you the best service with its expert staff and experienced doctors. For questions and information, you can contact us at +90 (536) 934 6524 telephone numbers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is gynecomastia surgery safe?
Is gynecomastia surgery safe?

Gynecomastia surgery is often pretty risk-free, although problems can always happen. Bleeding, bruising, fluid retention, scarring, numbness, and loss of sensation, as well as asymmetries and uneven shapes, are a few potential adverse effects.

What is the best age for gynecomastia surgery?
What is the best age for gynecomastia surgery?

Males will continue to develop and grow until they become 18 years old. Because of this, it is frequently suggested that male patients postpone thinking about surgery until this age.

What is the complication rate of gynecomastia surgery?
What is the complication rate of gynecomastia surgery?

According to studies, the average risk of complications following gynecomastia surgery is 15.5%, with grade I patients experiencing the highest rate (21.6%).

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