Periodontitis, sometimes referred to as gum disease or periodontal disease, begins as bacterial growth in your mouth and worsens over time as the tissue that surrounds your teeth deteriorates, which may result in tooth loss if left untreated.

What causes gum disease?

Plaque is the primary cause of gum disease. However, these reasons may also have an impact on periodontal disease. These include:

When the body undergoes hormonal changes, such as those that occur during pregnancy, puberty, menopause, and monthly menstruation, gingivitis is more likely to develop.

Your gums might be impacted by diseases. This includes diseases like cancer or HIV that weaken the immune system. Diabetes interferes with how the body uses blood sugar, making people more prone to infections like dental cavities and periodontal disease.

gum disease
What are the main causes of gum disease?

Oral health may be affected by certain drugs’ reduction of saliva flow, which protects teeth and gums.

The anticonvulsant Dilantin and the angina drugs Procardia and Adalat are among those that may cause abnormal gum tissue formation.

  • Bad habits like smoking make it harder for gum tissue to recover itself.
  • Gingivitis risk is increased by bad oral hygiene practices, such as not brushing and flossing every day.
  • One of the numerous reasons for gingivitis is a history of dental issues in the family.

Types of Periodontal Disease

Gum disease, also referred to as periodontal disease, typically advances through distinct stages:

  1. Gingivitis: At the outset, gingivitis manifests as gum inflammation. Symptoms encompass redness, swelling, and bleeding while brushing or flossing. Improved oral hygiene and professional dental cleanings usually suffice to reverse gingivitis.
  2. Early Periodontitis: Left untreated, gingivitis may progress to early periodontitis. In this phase, the infection begins to impact the supportive structures of teeth, including the bone. Gum recession occurs, and pockets develop between teeth and gums, necessitating treatment to prevent further damage.
  3. Moderate Periodontitis: In this stage, damage intensifies. Gum recession persists, and pockets deepen between teeth and gums. Bone-supporting teeth may deteriorate, requiring procedures like scaling and root planing (deep cleaning) to eliminate plaque and tartar buildup.
  4. Advanced Periodontitis: At the advanced stage, significant bone loss occurs, resulting in loose teeth. Severe gum recession and deep pockets are prevalent. Tooth loss becomes a genuine concern, often necessitating more extensive treatments such as gum surgery and tooth extraction.

It’s vital to recognize that gum disease is a progressive condition, underscoring the importance of early detection and intervention to prevent it from advancing to more severe stages. Regular dental check-ups and meticulous oral hygiene practices are key to maintaining gum health and halting gum disease’s progression.

How do I know if I have gum disease?

The first indication is blood on your toothbrush or toothpaste that you spit out after brushing your teeth. When you eat, your gums could bleed as well, leaving your mouth with a terrible taste. You can also start to have bad breath.

What are the symptoms of gum disease?

Even in its advanced stages, gum disease can proceed quietly and without giving off many noticeable symptoms. Periodontal disease frequently has minor symptoms, but there are still some telltale markers of the ailment. A disease may be present if certain symptoms are present. Gum disease signs and symptoms include:

  • bleeding gums both during and after brushing your teeth
  • of recessed gums
  • deep pockets develop between teeth and gums
  • moving or loose teeth
  • gums that are red and inflamed.
  • persistent halitosis or an unpleasant aftertaste
  • alterations in the way partial dentures fit or the way teeth fit together when you bite down.

What is the best way to prevent gum disease?

Gingivitis may be reversed and gum disease may almost always be stopped from getting worse when adequate plaque management is maintained. Daily brushing, flossing, and twice-yearly professional cleanings are required for effective plaque management.

Twice a day, wash your teeth. Utilize a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Change your toothbrush more often than every three months if the bristles start to lose their quality. Plaque on the accessible tooth surfaces is removed by brushing.

By flossing, you may get rid of plaque and food bits from between your teeth and below the gum line. Always floss. Not a good idea to wait until something becomes stuck in your teeth. You can remove plaque in areas where your toothbrush can’t by flossing every day. Use interdental brushes, or tiny brushes that fit in between teeth as another option. To avoid damaging your gums, ask your dentist how to use them.

Antibacterial mouthwash prevents plaque and bad breath in addition to avoiding gingivitis. Ask your dentist which mouthwash suits you the best to learn more.

Can I fix gum disease myself?

Other alterations to one’s health and way of life can reduce the likelihood of developing gum disease, minimize its severity, and halt its progression. They include:

  • Stop smoking. In addition to being bad for your heart and lungs, smoking can harm your teeth and gums. Smoking not only makes certain therapies less effective but also raises the chance of gum disease in smokers by seven times more than in non-smokers.
  • Be less anxious. If you’re under stress, your body’s immune system can have a tougher difficulty warding off sickness.
  • Consume a nutritious, balanced diet. The bacteria in your mouth produce the acids that erode tooth enamel in response to the sugars and starches from meals they ingest.
  • Avoid teeth grinding or clenching. These movements could put undue strain on the tissues supporting teeth, hastening the rate of tissue degradation.

How is gum disease treated?

Gum disease may be cunning; it may occasionally cause just minor discomfort or irritation before causing teeth to become permanently damaged. Regular dental checkups are essential for this reason. An examination and X-rays allow a dentist or dental hygienist to identify problems before you even realize they exist.

It is better to detect gum disease as soon as possible. Gingivitis may typically be reversed with good brushing and flossing techniques. To treat the issue, dentists will occasionally additionally recommend antibiotics or a specific antibacterial mouthwash.

It is more difficult to manage gingivitis which develops into periodontitis. Usually, there is a broad gum infection that requires medical attention. A dentist or a periodontist, a specialist in the treatment of gum disease, may need to provide multiple specialized treatments for this.

What happens if gum disease is not treated?

Unfortunately, gum disease normally does not hurt as it progresses, so you are not aware of the harm it is doing. Your gums become irritated when the germs are active more frequently. Pus may seep from the gums and this might result in abscesses. The bone that supports the teeth might deteriorate over time. Treatment may be more challenging if the condition is not addressed right away for a lengthy period.

Once I have had periodontal disease, can I get it again?

Periodontal disease cannot be cured but may be managed if you continue the recommended at-home treatment. Any more bone loss will occur extremely gradually and might even cease. However, you must be sure to brush your teeth every day and visit the dentist for routine checkups.

What do I do if I think I have gum disease?

Visit your dentist right away to have your teeth and gums thoroughly examined. They’ll measure the gum’s ‘cuff’ around each tooth to check for any indications that periodontal disease has shown itself. It could also be necessary to take X-rays to evaluate how much bone has been removed. To recommend the most effective course of therapy for you, this examination is essential.

Contact us at +90 (536) 934 6524 and let us take care of your gum disease.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can gum disease be cured?
Can gum disease be cured?

Even though gum disease cannot be cured, with the correct treatment, it may be managed. You can't cure it since you frequently don't regain all of the structural support surrounding your teeth. However, periodontal treatment can help to some extent reduce infection and rebuild part of your bone and tissue. Genes are another aspect.

What is the early stage of gum disease?
What is the early stage of gum disease?

The first stage of gum disease is gingivitis. It takes place when germs and plaque accumulate on your teeth and lead to an infection. Gums that are red, swollen, and bleeding are typical signs. Regular dental cleanings and better at-home oral hygiene between appointments are among the treatments.

How long until gum disease is serious?
How long until gum disease is serious?

According to one research, periodontitis develops into level 1 gingivitis on average during 6 to 8 weeks or a little over 15 months.

Can I live with gum disease?
Can I live with gum disease?

People who have periodontal disease have a substantially increased risk of losing their teeth. And so too is the chance of developing heart disease and other chronic illnesses. If you manage periodontal disease with therapy and advice from your dentist, you can live a long life with the problem.

Can I lose my teeth from gum disease?
Can I lose my teeth from gum disease?

It is simpler to avoid other bodily conditions like diabetes and heart disease when you maintain good tooth health. Too much time without treatment for periodontal disease (gum disease) will lead to tooth loss.

Should I be worried about gum disease?
Should I be worried about gum disease?

This condition may typically be reversed via consistent brushing and flossing if it is discovered in its early stages. Advanced gum disease, however, has the potential to destroy the jawbone permanently and potentially cause tooth loss.

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