A breast lift, medically referred to as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure designed to elevate the breasts by eliminating surplus skin and tightening the adjacent tissue, thereby producing a more youthful and aesthetically pleasing breast contour.

Why do you need a breast lift?

Individuals may consider undergoing a mastopexy for the following reasons:

  • If their breasts have begun to sag, resulting in a loss of shape, volume, or a flattened and elongated appearance.
  • If the nipples descend below the breast creases when the breasts are not supported.
  • If one breast sits notably lower than the other, it causes an uneven appearance.
  • If the nipples and areolae point downward, indicating a lack of firmness in the breast tissue.
  • If the areolae have stretched out of proportion to the size of the breasts.

However, it’s important to note that a breast lift may not be suitable for everyone. Those considering pregnancy in the future might opt to delay the procedure as the breasts can stretch during pregnancy, potentially compromising the results of the breast lift.

Is it necessary to have a breast lift
Is it necessary to have a breast lift?

Similarly, breastfeeding can be another reason for postponing a breast lift. While breastfeeding is typically possible after the procedure, it may be more challenging to produce an adequate milk supply.

Although a mastopexy can be performed on breasts of any size, individuals with smaller breasts may experience longer-lasting results. Larger breasts tend to be heavier, increasing the likelihood of eventual sagging.

How is a mastopexy performed?

Breast reduction surgery and breast lift surgery are carried out utilizing comparable methods and concepts. It just includes shaping the breasts differently, leaving the breast tissue intact.

If required, surgery may also involve reducing the swollen, darkly pigmented region known as the areola surrounding the nipple.

Depending on the intended form and kind of breast, several surgical techniques may be used. When a patient has first-degree drooping and there is no extra skin, a breast implant alone can often lift and enhance the breast without leaving too much scarring.

If there is extensive volume loss in the breast tissue along with second or third-degree sagging, it can be essential to remove extra skin, restructure the breast tissue, and place a breast implant.

How do I prepare my body for a breast lift?

  • Before the procedure, all patients undergo a comprehensive breast evaluation, including breast ultrasound and mammography.
  • It is crucial to cease the intake of anticoagulants such as aspirin at least 7 days before undergoing breast lift surgery.
  • For individuals with diabetes, maintaining controlled blood sugar levels before the surgery is essential to minimize the risk of potential complications during the healing process.
  • Smoking cessation is required 3 days before the breast lift surgery, and abstaining from smoking for at least 3 weeks after the procedure is crucial for optimal recovery.
  • To ensure optimal hygiene, patients are advised to shower with a disinfectant soap the night before the surgery and remove all jewelry. Additionally, refraining from wearing nail polish or makeup is important.
  • It is important to fast for at least 6 hours before mastopexy to avoid eating and drinking. It is advised that patients attend the hospital three hours before the scheduled operation time to undergo any necessary pre-operative procedures, such as blood testing.

Recovery Process After Breast Lift Surgery

  • Swelling and bruising are common during the initial phase after breast lift surgery. To manage these, it is recommended to use pain relievers and drugs that reduce edema for several days post-surgery. Minimizing arm movements during the first week can positively impact the recovery process.
  • You are typically allowed to take a shower starting from the 4th day following the Breast Lift procedure. The anticipated recovery time for resuming normal activities is approximately 5-7 days. Following this period, you can return to work, travel, and even board aircraft.
  • Lying face down should be avoided for the first month after the surgery. Light sports activities can commence after this initial month.
  • Swimming in the sea is permissible after the 6th week.
  • Pain and swelling will gradually subside over the first few months post-surgery, allowing you to wear a wired bra again around the 8-week mark.
  • After the 3rd month, heavy sports activities need not be avoided.
  • During the initial three weeks, it is advised to avoid raising your arms beyond your shoulders and refrain from lifting objects weighing more than two pounds.
  • Patients often express concerns about the removal of stitches. With the use of self-absorbing sutures in our operations, the issue of suture removal post-surgery is not a cause for worry.

Is it worth getting a boob lift?

A breast lift is a fantastic solution for ladies who have drooping breasts. The reduced breast volume that results from pregnancy frequently causes the breasts to droop. As women age, the skin covering their breasts also becomes less elastic, which results in the breast tissues drooping. The breasts may also droop and lose volume as a result of abrupt changes in body weight. To address these problems, a breast augmentation treatment might be coupled with a breast lift procedure. After having this procedure, women should anticipate having firmer, larger breasts.

Also, mastopexy might result in a rise in confidence and self-worth. It could also enhance one’s posture and spinal health, depending on the circumstances.

A mastopexy can help women who choose to get breast reductions as well since it tightens up the breasts when they are smaller.

What are the disadvantages of a breast lift?

The dangers and hazards that come with surgery are all present throughout a breast lift treatment. An increased risk of problems exists for elderly women with high blood pressure and diabetes.

Following the breast lift procedure, there might be significant scarring. This might seriously deform a lot of people. Bruising, infections, scars, wound separation, and swelling are among the other frequent side effects of this surgery. This might continue for a few months or even longer.

Because the natural effects of gravity, weight fluctuations, and age gradually lead the breasts to seem less young over time, the results of a breast lift may not last forever.

After surgery, women can have breast asymmetry. Following surgery, there may also be a temporary or permanent loss of feeling in the breasts or nipples.

Breast Lift vs. Breast Augmentation

Indeed, each cosmetic procedure, whether a breast augmentation or a breast lift, comes with its distinct advantages and disadvantages. It is essential to recognize that while breast augmentation primarily focuses on enhancing the size and shape of the breasts, it does not correct sagging. Conversely, a breast lift primarily addresses the position of the breasts and does not increase their size.

Opting for any changes to the breasts is a decision that deeply impacts one’s personal life. To guarantee both your safety and emotional well-being, it is strongly recommended to consult with a certified plastic surgeon who has expertise in breast procedures. This step will help guarantee that you receive the best possible outcome. When considering plastic surgery, it is crucial to select an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon with a proven track record of delivering exceptional results.

Mastopexy vs. Breast Reduction

It’s not uncommon for women to contemplate whether they require a breast reduction or a breast lift to attain the desired elevated bustline and improved breast contours. The fundamental distinction between breast reduction and breast lift surgery lies in the primary objective of each procedure. Breast reductions are primarily aimed at alleviating medical symptoms triggered by excessively large breasts. Breast lift procedures are centered around enhancing the aesthetic appearance of the breasts. Both types of breast surgery involve lifting and reshaping the breasts. However, breast reduction specifically aims to substantially reduce the weight and size of the breasts in the process.

If your breasts cause pain, limited mobility, or other significant medical complications, you may be eligible for a “medically necessary” breast reduction.

Breast Lift Price

The pricing for breast lift surgery can vary depending on factors such as the size of the breasts and the extent of sagging. It can also be influenced by the specific surgical techniques involved and whether silicone augmentation is included. To obtain pricing details, it is necessary to undergo an examination. Please contact our clinic at +90 (536) 934 6524 for more information regarding the pricing of breast lift surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a breast lift last?
How long does a breast lift last?

Although some patients may need to make little cosmetic changes sooner, others may find that their breast lift results continue for far over 15 years. The usual post-breast lift recovery period is between ten and fifteen years.

What is a good age to get a breast lift?
What is a good age to get a breast lift?

While breast tissue reaches full development for many women around the age of 16, for others, breast development and growth persist long into the 20s. Young ladies who prefer a more lifted boop look who have fully formed breasts and who are between the ages of 18 and 25 can have this surgery done.

Do you have to wear a bra if you get a breast lift?
Do you have to wear a bra if you get a breast lift?

You must wear a bra following surgery if your breasts are bigger. For simple reasons, larger breasts are more susceptible to the forces of gravity due to their greater bulk. In the meantime, you might be able to go without a bra more often if your breasts are smaller.

Do breasts sag after lift?
Do breasts sag after lift?

Years after a breast lift, the breasts will eventually fall out since aging hasn't stopped.

When can I raise my arms after a breast lift?
When can I raise my arms after a breast lift?

After a week or two, you can usually lift your arms (without carrying anything) as long as you don't do it too rapidly or too often. You'll probably have to wait four to eight weeks for any kind of weight.

Is breast lift safer than reduction?
Is breast lift safer than reduction?

A breast lift usually has less discomfort and has a shorter recovery period than a breast reduction since it is less intrusive. Both operation has some risk of nerve loss in the nipple region, although a lift is less likely to cause this.

How painful is a breast lift?
How painful is a breast lift?

After undergoing a breast lift surgery, it's possible to experience slight pain and discomfort. The initial one to three days after the surgery are typically the most challenging in this regard. Your discomfort should then progressively lessen after that.

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